Monday 22 February 2016

Traditional Handmade Saree From Orissa

Traditional Handmade Saree from Orissa has its own specific importance. It has no boundaries when it comes to show its worth. These sarees look larger than life and the art of this culture and tradition is not new as it is an age old thing. Yet its serenity and its captivated look please the sole of the Indian women even today.
Orissa is the heritage of handloom art and unforgettable detailing in this art is evergreen. Orissa exports handmade shower and elegant saree almost all over places of India. It has always shown its potential in strengthening the culture of handmade saree by keeping it highlighted and alive in heart.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Valentine’s Day Celebration World Wide

“Let’s fall in love.”

Hey dear ones! Love is said to be universal theme. Sailing in love boat to a long voyage with your valentine throughout the valentine week is an exciting journey!

Celebration of love and life is exciting forever. After of the hugs, promise, chocolates, roses, kiss, teddies and propose to your valentine, on 14th February you are ready to celebrate the intense passion of your heart.

Planning something cool for your valentine? Valentine’s Day is celebrated in entire planet in wonderful different ways. If you study the customs of different nations, you will notice that V-day is not celebrated in each nation with the regular exchange of gifts.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Proposing Her is an Art Learn How!

“All you need is I and all I need is you.”

So, you have now sailed some distance in your love boat with the loved one and also have given your specially made bouquet of roses. Now what? The next day or rather I would call it the next step in the voyage of love is a cute proposal.

Think about the shy smile or the voice you will get to see or hear on this 8th February, which is the date of Propose day.

Love is that feeling which none can ignore, even if they want to or bring tremendous external force to ignore it. By saying none I am indicating the entire living race, even if they are animals or birds. The different between us and these non-speaking living beings in just that they cannot express their emotions in the form of speech or words.

Saturday 6 February 2016

In-Fashion Jewellery for Weddings

Was the search for you bridal attire a treat for you? Prepare yourself for another kind of treat, a real, royal treat. It is the time to shop for your wedding jewelleries.

Make sure of the first and foremost rule of wedding jewelleries. Do not overdo accessorizing with jewelleries. This is alluring to deck up in baubles and bling, but it is obvious that you will not want the precious metals to outshine your other dressing up on your wedding day.

Let us open our magic bag and see what we have for you to dress up you like a princess but hold your breath as we will pull out some different pieces of jewelleries which are in fashion these days from the bag. Just scroll down....