Sunday 7 February 2016

Proposing Her is an Art Learn How!

“All you need is I and all I need is you.”

So, you have now sailed some distance in your love boat with the loved one and also have given your specially made bouquet of roses. Now what? The next day or rather I would call it the next step in the voyage of love is a cute proposal.

Think about the shy smile or the voice you will get to see or hear on this 8th February, which is the date of Propose day.

Love is that feeling which none can ignore, even if they want to or bring tremendous external force to ignore it. By saying none I am indicating the entire living race, even if they are animals or birds. The different between us and these non-speaking living beings in just that they cannot express their emotions in the form of speech or words.

Two persons in love should need to be together and this is where propose has its importance.

What are your plansto propose the lady love or the handsome hunk of your life? Some of you will propose your significant other for marriage and some will start a new journey of love.

Lets us together jot down some cool tips for your propose day:

Ensure yourself first

Before proposing to your girl or your guy, be sure of your feelings! Question yourself 100 times and then proceed for the proposal.

Play to your strength and weakness both

Playing the strength means do something you are good at, confident and things will go out well. But you can take risk as well, as without risk no love is thrilling and without thrill there is no fun of living life. Thus play with your weaknesses and try to do something out of your comfort zone which might not be your favourite but your love will like.

Play something tricky

Sometimes between a would-be couple both know that the other one is in love. Thus play something tricky, play with the words. Play with the conversation and propose in a matter-of-factly. This playing gets the other person in great surprise and you can enjoy the blush and the astonishment.

I am not going how to choose the place, time or what dress you will wear as most of you will choose it as it will be convenient for your love and wear the favourite dress or at least colour to impress him/her.

Happy Propose Day!

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