Monday 14 March 2016

White Day Celebration

14th March -one month after Valentine's Day, is marked in Japan, South Korea,Taiwan and China as WHITE DAY. The difference between Valentine's Day and White Day is about who gives the gifts. In Valentine's Day women present chocolates (honmei-choco 'chocolate of love') or giri-choco ( 'courtesy chocolate') to men as gifts & the men who received the Chocolates on Valentine's Day are supposed to return the favor by giving gifts on White Day.

Popular White Day Gifts:

1. Cookies

2. Jewelry

3. White Chocolate

4. White Lingerie

5. Marshmallows

History behind it:

White day was first celebrated in Japan in 1978.The men give both white and dark chocolate, as well as other edible and non-edible gifts, such as jewellery or objects of sentimental value, or white clothing like lingerie, to women from whom they received chocolate on Valentine's Day one month earlier.

Eventually, this practice spread to the neighbouring East Asian countries of South Korea, China, and Taiwan. In those cultures, White Day is for the most part observed in the same manner.

Meaning of the Gifts:

White Chocolate: "Let's be friends."

Chocolate candy: "I like you."

Chocolate cookies: "I love you."

Giri Choco & Honmei Choco

Giri Choco: It is a relatively inexpensive type of chocolate that women give to male co-workers, casual acquaintances, and others to whom they have no romantic attachment.

Honmei Choco: In Japan this chocolate is given by women on Valentine's day to men whom the giver has romantic feelings for. This is often given to husbands,boyfriends, and prospective boyfriends.

A Romantic Date:

The couple can go for a candlelight dinner & express their love for each other. Girl can opt for a White Gown as the evening day attire & a designer pearl jewellery set would add a royal look on it. White blazer can be worn by the men to add that special “White Day” feeling. Lets celebrate the White Day & fly in the air of love.

Source: Wikipedia

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